1095 Budapest, Ipar utca 2/b | +36 20 219 9390 | sale@paisley.hu 


Paisley Home - your ultimate source for upholstery fabrics in Budapest, Hungary. We have the widest choice of premium and luxury fabrics from independent designer brands as well as established fabric houses from all over the world. There are more than 100 brands to choose from in every price point - starting from well-loved classics such as brocade, damask and lampas upholstery fabrics to the very minimalistic designs.

You will find all you would need for a modern or traditional home - plains, prints, velvets, jacquard weaves, real and artificial leather in a tremendous array of colors. Only the finest natural materials - silk, linen, wool, viscose, cotton and also contract upholstery fabrics made of Trevira CS, fire retardant polyester, arcrylic for indoor and outdoor use.

You will find our well-curated upholstery fabric collections under this link - https://paisley.hu/kollekciok/fuggony-butorszovet-kollekciok